ASIC configuration:

Select the nearest node: In Russia - Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don; In USA - Chicago

POOL - "stratum+tcp://", USER - "Your_DGB_PayoutAddress", PASSWORD - "x"

System of payments - Pay Per You Shares in Sharechain
Maximum predicted payout in 12 hours.
After leaving the p2pool payments will be received for some time!
Pool offers Instant Payout immediately when block found via Coinbase transaction.
Coinbase transaction - be careful to mine directly to Exchanges or Online wallets, they may not support such transactions.
Mining to local wallet is the most preferred and the safest way.


Local rate: Shares:
Global pool rate: Share difficulty (pool minimum):
network hashrate (estimate): Network block difficulty:
Current block value: Expected time to share (this node):
Node peers: / Expected time to block (pool):
Node fee / donation: / Node uptime:
Node p2pool version: Protocol version:

Active miners on this node

Address Hashrate DOA Hashrate Share difficulty Time to share Predicted payout
Click here for more detailed stats and graphs (classic p2pool)

Recent blocks

When Date/Time Number Hash